Reason why a religious organization should brand

People Focused
Church is mission focused, outward facing and people oriented. Therefore, its brand must be approachable. It must be about the people. When people can’t connect with your mission or church, there is a great disconnect.  You should find connecting between the society and your church.
A church’s message must be relevant and contemporaneous. Parables and stories can be used to illustrate truth. Ministry has moved from pulpit and pew, it is now a market place movement. Your message (s) must find relevance to the people. Are you supposed to mutilate the word of God? No but an upwardly mobile audience should find a way to connect with your message. It should address their needs and solve their sin problems.
Adapt to changes
Until church leaders accept that the conventional ways to doing ministry has changed, noting much will change. Language, culture and technology have evolved. A church must therefore adapt its message delivery while retaining the essence. The manner of presentation may change but not the message.

Set good examples as a leader.
A church must be a true reflection of the standards and quality of its leaders.
1.    Standards and structure place a demand on accountability within a church.
2.    Branding provides visual and language guides for a church’s social media efforts.
3.    Branding helps a church articulate its message for a global audience via social media.
