Make Your Press Release Counts

There is a trend in media relations which needs to be reviewed. We see press releases that are either vapid or unbelievable. Some are even crafted without clear messages or call to actions.
A press release isn’t supposed to be an advertisement. A press release is not an advertisement. Even where it is, you still want people to believe what was written, not advertised.  Consumers have perception about advertisement as being sponsored for a purpose. Such shouldn’t be about press release.
Journalists and bloggers are gatekeepers to a diverse audience. Like the security at a bar or club, they filter and curate who comes in based on the brand and audience they want to cultivate. This is a major gate keeping function of news writers. In this age of social media, media relations or brand managers need to know what makes press release sell. You need to be abreast with what editors look for in your press release. Ever wonder why your press releases don’t result in your getting beyond the velvet rope?
Like those who over share the mundane on social media—the constant updates on Facebook or incessant foodie pictures on Instagram. Just  like those annoyances, frequently distributing press releases that lack merit or plausibility can alienate journalists and cause them to hit the unfollow button or drop your release into the trash can. In drafting your press release, you need to bear this thought in mind: If you swapped out your brand’s name with that of a competitor’s, would the journalists still use your release?  Your release should be about issues not tissues.

To make the most of your media relations efforts, consider these tips before you start crafting that press release. Certainly, journalists you are pitching will appreciate it.
Not everything your organization is doing is a game-changing, news and innovative.
If something isn’t shifting the paradigm for your industry, don’t say that it is. Instead, explain why it’s important to your brand or industry, and target only relevant media outlets and beat reporters. Don’t overstate its importance, either, or you’ll risk alienating them—both now and later, when you have something earth-shaking to share with them.

Sure the hastags and some social media jagons may get traffic to your blog but write in plain English while sending a press release to journalists.
Conventional Journalists are more discerning; while social media influencers are not most times. Social media influencers thrive on what satisfies immediacy.
If you want your press release to be an advert, it is better posted on your company’s blog. You may also post on your LinkedIn profile, because it won’t get past any journalist’s sensitive.
To gain a journalist’s interest, it has to be genuine and significant news.  Your press release should clearly answer some key elements of news.

This is yet another tip you need to consider as a brand manager in drafting your press release. Conventional journalists have issue with space hence; you need to be brief and direct in your release if you want it used. More especially, readers’ attention span is very poor.  Learn to use inverted pyramid style of news writing. 
